Blogging in Education

Setting up student blog posts is challenging, and at times I wondered, if it would be worth it. After using a different blog site, for 3 years, Last year, I knew it was time to move to another platform. After watching the suggested videos with my classes, the students created their own blogs, yet something wasn’t right. It took some time,but we worked out the issues. I am excited to use again this year,
with my students.
Some may wonder what the purpose of blogging is??? In today’s world our students will encounter many new uses for technology. We know the changes in communication will continue at a mind boggling speed. I believe we need to continue making changes in education to keep up.
One of the changes is blogging. In a traditional classroom, students wrote for an audience of one, their teacher. In today’s world, through the use of blogging, students write for a much larger audience. Students naturally are more concerned about their writing. They strive to improve as they learn this new method of communication.
As we excitedly look forward to the future, so do the students. Preparing them to adapt to change, through learning the skills they will need, allows students to gain the confidence needed to continue to grow and learn in the 21st century!
Student blogs are located as links, on the left side of my blog, located at
Mrs. Duffy’s Language Arts Classes

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